Sign-up as a volunteer

Sign-up as a volunteer

We welcome anyone and everyone to participate in and carry out socially important projects as volunteers with us.

To sign up, please fill in the online questionnaire:

– as an individual if you wish to contribute personally or

– as a legal entity if you wish to participate with your colleagues and do a corporate volunteering

For individuals

We appreciate you taking interest in volunteering. We would be grateful if you read the agreement and filled in the questionnaire (as an individual) in order to participate in available projects. We kindly remind that any volunteering work is one’s free will and usually is non-reimbursable.

Sign up as a volunteer


For corporate volunteering

We appreciate you taking interest in volunteering. We would be grateful if you read the agreement and filled in the questionnaire (as an organization) in order to participate in available projects. We kindly remind that any volunteering work is one’s free will and usually is non-paid.

Corporate volunteering