Find Your Way

(Рус) Эмоции Find Your Way С самого начала организации проекта, мы сразу осознали всю его значимость, ведь ее тема весьма актуальна в наши дни. Нам удалось довольно быстро договориться со всеми спикерами, которых хотели бы увидеть на мероприятии, выбрали темы и начали заниматься сайтом. Уже при регистрации, участники, заполняя графу "ваши ожидания о проекте" кто-то писал, что ожидает бомбическую атмосферу, а кто-то отвечал, что не имеет право что-то ожидать. Ведь весь проект организован усилиями добровольцев. Эти слова давали нам дополнительную мотивацию)
Уже непосредственно на событии, школьники и студенты очень внимательно слушали каждое слово спикеров. Многие оставались задать дополнительные вопросы, тем самым группы из 20-30 человек окружали спикера и не давали ему уйти) Что касается спикеров, то показалось, что многим из них проект понравился ещё больше, чем самим участникам. Очень часто слышали фразу "жаль, что в мои школьные и студенческие годы не проводились такие мероприятия". Наконец-то кто-то начал развивать КОРПОРАТИВНОЕ ВОЛОНТЕРСТВО, не в классическом понимании – через благотворительность, а через личностные навыки. Лекции ещё не успели закончиться, как и участники, и спикеры просили уведомлять о всех следующих запланированных программах Komanda SOS (Обязательно будем держать вас в курсе) Отдельно хотим отметить ВОЛОНТЕРОВ, без которых мы бессильны. Спасибо за проведенную работу, переживания, ответственность и атмосферу! День получился очень насыщенным, с особенной атмосферой. Спасибо всем, кто принял в нем участие: КБТУ, спикеры, кейтеринг, волонтёры, участники. Вы лучшие!

Найди свой путь среди тысячи профессий!

Komanda SOS приглашает Вас на проект по профориентации «Find Your Way». Программа мероприятия включает в себя выступления талантливой молодежи, а также опытных сотрудников таких компаний как: The Ritz-Carlton, Coca-Cola, НЕСТЛЕ Фуд Казахстан, АТФ Банк, Almaty Triathlon Federation, Takeda, Колеса Крыша Маркет и др. Именно они поделятся с Вами своим опытом и помогут выбрать будущую профессию. Также специально для Вас, Starbucks проведет бесплатный кофе-брейк! Проходите регистрацию и приходите на мероприятие ;) Участие бесплатно! Место: КБТУ; Дата: 25 ноября; Время: 10.30 – 16.00 Регистрация:

Find Your Way

From the very beginning of the organization of this project, we immediately realized its importance given the current relevance of its theme. We quickly managed to agree on all the speakers we wanted to see at the event, chose topics and started working on the site. At registration in the column “your expectations about the project,” someone wrote that he expected an ‘awesome atmosphere’, although someone else answered that ‘he had no right to expect anything’. Since the whole project was run entirely by volunteers, these words gave us additional motivation.

During the event itself schoolchildren and students listened very attentively to every word of the speakers. Many stayed to ask additional questions, with 20-30 people surrounding the speaker, it was impossible for them to leave!

As for the speakers, it seemed that many of them liked the project even more than the participants themselves. Many people made the comment, that it was a pity that such events were not held during their schooldays. They were pleased that someone was finally developing CORPORATE VOLUNTEERING, not in the traditional way – through charity, but using personal skills.

Even before the end of the lectures both speakers and participants were asking to be kept up-to-date about future Komanda SOS events. (We will definitely keep you informed)

Separately, we want to mention the VOLUNTEERS, without whom nothing would get done. Thank you for your work, your experience, for taking responsibility and making a great atmosphere!

The day was very intense, with a special atmosphere. Thanks to everyone who took part in it: KBTU, speakers, catering, volunteers, and participants.

You are the best!


Find your way in thousands of professions!

Komanda SOS invites you to the “Find Your Way” career guidance project.

The event programme includes performances by talented young people, as well as experienced employees from such companies as: The Ritz-Carlton, Coca-Cola, NESTLE Food Kazakhstan, ATF Bank, Almaty Triathlon Federation, Takeda, Roof Market, and more. They will share their experience with you and help you choose your future profession.

There will also be a free coffee break provided by Starbucks!

Register and come to the event

Participation is free!

Location: KBTU;
Date: November 25;
Time: 10.30 – 16.00

Volunteer help at the International Education Fair 2018-2019


70 Komanda SOS volunteers help out at our annual educational exhibition.

The event hosts representatives of universities and educational centers from more than 30 countries! Our volunteers provide full support and coordination for project delegates. Volunteers meet with the guests of the exhibition and help with the translation not only of Russian and English, but also Spanish, Chinese, German and other languages.

The Center for International Programs has scheduled an educational exhibition. The event will feature high-ranking universities and business schools from the USA, Europe, Asia and the CIS. More than 2000 schoolchildren and students are expected to attend the exhibition!

The organizers have asked Komanda SOS to find volunteers who can accompany university representatives, provide translation assistance for exhibitors, help with registration, etc.

Location: Hotel “Rixos”;
Date: November 17;
Time: from 09.00 to 19.00.

If you want to volunteer and know English to at least Intermediate level, please register using the link.

Note * All volunteers will be given two meals and a letter of appreciation.

Help for Children’s Hospice – “Healthy Asia”


This Saturday, 4 Komanda SOS volunteers made their first visit to the Healthy Asia Children’s Hospice. The hospice director, Igor Fedorenko, kindly gave us a small briefing, and also introduced the staff and children at the centre.

“Healthy Asia” has a very cheerful and cozy atmosphere. As soon as they crossed the doorstep, our volunteers the children called the volunteers “theirs” and asked them to play (counting money). The offer turned out to be very tempting and impossible to refuse!

We are sure that our volunteers will be able to support this friendly team.

The “Healthy Asia” Children’s Hospice is a center for supporting children with cancer. On average there are 8-10 children with stage 4 cancer in the center every two weeks.

To make their lives a little happier, we are looking for volunteers. Their job is to play learning games with the children, engage in art therapy, dance, music, teach computer skills, or the basics of photo and video. Help is needed every day (the schedule can be discussed, and there are opportunities to help at the weekend).

Please note: the center is located in the village Kirgauldy – Almaty region, Karasai district,. Samal st, house 40 (8 km – from Sain Dzhandosov, or 1 km from the border of the city). You can get buses 401, 429, 428 from Sain Janzhosov in about 40 minutes.

* Note: when visiting the children volunteers must be completely healthy to avoid passing on infections.

Register for volunteering here
For all questions:
+7 701 739 60 02 – Komanda SOS;
+7 705 966 ​​40 26 – Healthy Asia.