Поиск волонтеров в образовательном проекте


Завершились осенние каникулы, первые в этом году. 🍁
Только после первой четверти учебного периода приходит осознания пробелов в знаниях у детей. Ученики начинают думать, как это исправить. На помощь к ним приходят старшие родственники, учителя и репетиторы.
Социальный образовательный проект BirBala – на протяжении 3 лет обучает детей из многодетных семей и детских домов. Главная идея проекта – помощь через образование.

Сейчас начинаем свой отбор волонтеров на роль менторов-преподавателей для детей школьного возраста!

📢Мы ищем:

  1. Волонтеров-преподавателей, которые обладают высоким уровнем ответственности и есть достаточное количество времени для проведения обучающей деятельности – в среднем два раза в неделю, минимум 3 месяца. Онлайн.
    Все это может меняться и подстраиваться под удобное расписание для учеников и учителей.
  2. Волонтеров-кураторов.
    Ищем ребят, которые готовы оказывать поддержку преподавателям. Необязательно иметь много времени, но нужно быть понимающим и открытым. От вас требуется занятие административной работой и организация встреч с волонтёрами.

Что получают наши волонтёры?
• Возможность внести свой вклад в общество;
• Становление частью сообщества волонтеров;
• Получение сертификатов, подтверждающих участие в волонтерском проекте.

Нашим волонтером может стать каждый. Не важно в какой стране, городе находитесь. Нет нужды обладать определенным возрастом или степенью, достаточно иметь хорошие знания по определённым школьным предметам и желание помогать другим 🙌

Присоединяйтесь к нам, мы ждем каждого с активной гражданской позицией. Давайте вместе помогать и менять мир друг друга 🧡

Для регистрации необходимо заполнить форму, перейдя по ссылке: здесь

(Рус) Чемпионат по боулингу для детей с особыми потребностями


12 февраля состоится чемпионат по боулингу для детей с особыми потребностями. Соревнования проводят филиал ОО «Казахстанская специальная олимпиада» в г.Алматы. Организаторы просят оказать волонтерскую поддержку на мероприятии в судействе и по организационным вопросам.


Место: Самал 1-й микрорайон, 2Б

Дата: 12 февраля (вторник);

Время: 10.00 – 13.00.


По вопросам волонтерской помощи +7 771 701 1309

Teaching foreign languages in the S. Begalin Children’s Library


Volunteers with knowledge of foreign languages required

The Sapargali Begalin children’s library has asked the “Komanda SOS” Volunteer Coordination Centre to help find volunteer teachers.

The library has organized free foreign-language classes ​​for children from 6 to 18 years old. In order to train as many volunteers as possible, we are seeking candidates with teaching experience. Volunteers can choose any training format they like.

The library will provide whatever it can to help and recognise your work with letters of thanks.

If you wish to become a volunteer, please fill out the application here.

Preparing children with special needs to perform at the Abu Dhabi World Games


The Almaty branch of the “Special Olympics” NGO trains children with special needs in various sports. This spring students from this organization will go to the world games in Abu Dhabi. In order to prepare young athletes for such important competitions, your volunteer help is required.

If you can skate and can teach children about this sport, please apply. Classes are held on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 14.30 to 16.00. Address: Utegen Batyr, at the corner of Tole Bi.

You submit your application here.

For all questions call: +7 771 701 13 09

Christmas Wish Tree


The idea of this campaign is to bring some joy to children who may be deprived of it for whatever reason. This year, gifts are being collected for 52 pupils at “Ken Zurek” (Kazakhstan’s first children’s epilepsy charity).

You can find out about the wishes of children here:
Article: https://tengrinews.kz/article/964/;
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBeGKhcfuic.

We will be delighted if you can participate in the charity program and become Santa Claus for children who sincerely believe in New Year’s miracles.

For all questions:
+7 701 739 60 02 – Sergey;
+7 705 888 57 88 – Grigoriy.

Physics in the comics – Comics Day at Smart Point


The Shakhmardan Yessenov Science and Education Foundation invites all lovers of comics and science to the presentation of “Physics in Comics”.

There you can:

– learn how to draw cartoons and comics,
– participate in contests and win prizes,
– see a show with scientific experiments,
– get the autographs of the comics’ writers,
– receive as a gift a copy of Physics in Comics.

Come by yourself, or bring the children (10 years and older). We’re waiting for you!

Location: Almaty, st. Bayzakova, 280, “Smart Point”;
Date: December 17;
Time: 10.30 – 16.00;
Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/528154417699233/

Inclusive Theater


The charitable projects “Autism will win” and “DOM” have created a theater group for children with autism – an acting school called “The Game”. Every Monday and Friday, workshop leaders conduct classes for children, acting out different scenes. We are looking for volunteers who like working with children to help provide them with a healthy and warm atmosphere where they can socialize more.

Address: 10a Abay St., corner of Furmanov St., below the French House – Acting School “Game”.
Time: 14: 00-16: 30
Date: Monday, Friday.

https: //docs.google.com/forms/d/1qYLdiK9i04u0QiPHsWelOzE6slDqTkAm3zZ1wknVonE/edit

For all questions:
+7 701 739 60 02 – Sergey, Komanda SOS;
+7 701 555 26 32 – Aigerim, Autism will win.

Find Your Way

(Рус) Эмоции Find Your Way С самого начала организации проекта, мы сразу осознали всю его значимость, ведь ее тема весьма актуальна в наши дни. Нам удалось довольно быстро договориться со всеми спикерами, которых хотели бы увидеть на мероприятии, выбрали темы и начали заниматься сайтом. Уже при регистрации, участники, заполняя графу "ваши ожидания о проекте" кто-то писал, что ожидает бомбическую атмосферу, а кто-то отвечал, что не имеет право что-то ожидать. Ведь весь проект организован усилиями добровольцев. Эти слова давали нам дополнительную мотивацию)
Уже непосредственно на событии, школьники и студенты очень внимательно слушали каждое слово спикеров. Многие оставались задать дополнительные вопросы, тем самым группы из 20-30 человек окружали спикера и не давали ему уйти) Что касается спикеров, то показалось, что многим из них проект понравился ещё больше, чем самим участникам. Очень часто слышали фразу "жаль, что в мои школьные и студенческие годы не проводились такие мероприятия". Наконец-то кто-то начал развивать КОРПОРАТИВНОЕ ВОЛОНТЕРСТВО, не в классическом понимании – через благотворительность, а через личностные навыки. Лекции ещё не успели закончиться, как и участники, и спикеры просили уведомлять о всех следующих запланированных программах Komanda SOS (Обязательно будем держать вас в курсе) Отдельно хотим отметить ВОЛОНТЕРОВ, без которых мы бессильны. Спасибо за проведенную работу, переживания, ответственность и атмосферу! День получился очень насыщенным, с особенной атмосферой. Спасибо всем, кто принял в нем участие: КБТУ, спикеры, кейтеринг, волонтёры, участники. Вы лучшие!

Найди свой путь среди тысячи профессий!

Komanda SOS приглашает Вас на проект по профориентации «Find Your Way». Программа мероприятия включает в себя выступления талантливой молодежи, а также опытных сотрудников таких компаний как: The Ritz-Carlton, Coca-Cola, НЕСТЛЕ Фуд Казахстан, АТФ Банк, Almaty Triathlon Federation, Takeda, Колеса Крыша Маркет и др. Именно они поделятся с Вами своим опытом и помогут выбрать будущую профессию. Также специально для Вас, Starbucks проведет бесплатный кофе-брейк! Проходите регистрацию и приходите на мероприятие ;) Участие бесплатно! Место: КБТУ; Дата: 25 ноября; Время: 10.30 – 16.00 Регистрация: http://fyw.volunteer.kz

Find Your Way

From the very beginning of the organization of this project, we immediately realized its importance given the current relevance of its theme. We quickly managed to agree on all the speakers we wanted to see at the event, chose topics and started working on the site. At registration in the column “your expectations about the project,” someone wrote that he expected an ‘awesome atmosphere’, although someone else answered that ‘he had no right to expect anything’. Since the whole project was run entirely by volunteers, these words gave us additional motivation.

During the event itself schoolchildren and students listened very attentively to every word of the speakers. Many stayed to ask additional questions, with 20-30 people surrounding the speaker, it was impossible for them to leave!

As for the speakers, it seemed that many of them liked the project even more than the participants themselves. Many people made the comment, that it was a pity that such events were not held during their schooldays. They were pleased that someone was finally developing CORPORATE VOLUNTEERING, not in the traditional way – through charity, but using personal skills.

Even before the end of the lectures both speakers and participants were asking to be kept up-to-date about future Komanda SOS events. (We will definitely keep you informed)

Separately, we want to mention the VOLUNTEERS, without whom nothing would get done. Thank you for your work, your experience, for taking responsibility and making a great atmosphere!

The day was very intense, with a special atmosphere. Thanks to everyone who took part in it: KBTU, speakers, catering, volunteers, and participants.

You are the best!


Find your way in thousands of professions!

Komanda SOS invites you to the “Find Your Way” career guidance project.

The event programme includes performances by talented young people, as well as experienced employees from such companies as: The Ritz-Carlton, Coca-Cola, NESTLE Food Kazakhstan, ATF Bank, Almaty Triathlon Federation, Takeda, Roof Market, and more. They will share their experience with you and help you choose your future profession.

There will also be a free coffee break provided by Starbucks!

Register and come to the event

Participation is free!

Location: KBTU;
Date: November 25;
Time: 10.30 – 16.00
Registration: http://fyw.volunteer.kz

Volunteer help at the International Education Fair 2018-2019


70 Komanda SOS volunteers help out at our annual educational exhibition.

The event hosts representatives of universities and educational centers from more than 30 countries! Our volunteers provide full support and coordination for project delegates. Volunteers meet with the guests of the exhibition and help with the translation not only of Russian and English, but also Spanish, Chinese, German and other languages.

The Center for International Programs has scheduled an educational exhibition. The event will feature high-ranking universities and business schools from the USA, Europe, Asia and the CIS. More than 2000 schoolchildren and students are expected to attend the exhibition!

The organizers have asked Komanda SOS to find volunteers who can accompany university representatives, provide translation assistance for exhibitors, help with registration, etc.

Location: Hotel “Rixos”;
Date: November 17;
Time: from 09.00 to 19.00.

If you want to volunteer and know English to at least Intermediate level, please register using the link.

Note * All volunteers will be given two meals and a letter of appreciation.

Help for Children’s Hospice – “Healthy Asia”


This Saturday, 4 Komanda SOS volunteers made their first visit to the Healthy Asia Children’s Hospice. The hospice director, Igor Fedorenko, kindly gave us a small briefing, and also introduced the staff and children at the centre.

“Healthy Asia” has a very cheerful and cozy atmosphere. As soon as they crossed the doorstep, our volunteers the children called the volunteers “theirs” and asked them to play (counting money). The offer turned out to be very tempting and impossible to refuse!

We are sure that our volunteers will be able to support this friendly team.

The “Healthy Asia” Children’s Hospice is a center for supporting children with cancer. On average there are 8-10 children with stage 4 cancer in the center every two weeks.

To make their lives a little happier, we are looking for volunteers. Their job is to play learning games with the children, engage in art therapy, dance, music, teach computer skills, or the basics of photo and video. Help is needed every day (the schedule can be discussed, and there are opportunities to help at the weekend).

Please note: the center is located in the village Kirgauldy – Almaty region, Karasai district,. Samal st, house 40 (8 km – from Sain Dzhandosov, or 1 km from the border of the city). You can get buses 401, 429, 428 from Sain Janzhosov in about 40 minutes.

* Note: when visiting the children volunteers must be completely healthy to avoid passing on infections.

Register for volunteering here
For all questions:
+7 701 739 60 02 – Komanda SOS;
+7 705 966 ​​40 26 – Healthy Asia.

Volunteer support to the Autism project


October 22. Volunteers of the Komanda SOS centre came to their first introduction lecture. At the lecture, the project’s coordinators shared a lot of useful tips and information with the volunteers: fields of work, personal experience and practical life hacks of working with special children. Also, they took us on the orientation tour and kindly answered all the questions, and we even stopped by the theatre class to glimpse how children are engaged.

As of today, volunteers are already actively participating in the existing programs, and some even are setting up new activities (social clubs, language clubs, mathematics, culinary classes and many others).

The project is ongoing, so the help of volunteers is required on a continuous basis!



The “We Will Win Against Autism project approached the Komanda SOS to help with volunteers.

— The humanity hasn’t come up with a medicine to cure autism. Creating a special social environment for our children is something we can manage. For our children — the letter goes on — physical activities that require focus and coordination of actions is especially relevant. Sports activities is what is necessary. They perfectly help children to overcome their corporal and psychological restrictions and come out into the outside world, out of their inner worlds. In addition to sports, we also include the children into activities that develop theatrical skill, languages (English), etc. We sincerely hope that you will help us with spreading the word out and matching us to the right volunteers.

The foundation needs volunteers for carrying out sports and other activities. If you are already 18 and above, with free time on weekdays from 10:00 till 16:00, then please register to volunteer HERE.

Address: Novaya St. 10 (uphill from the Navoiy street)
On any further questions:
+7 701 739 60 02 (Sergey – Komanda SOS);
+7 701 555 26 32 (Aygerim – the We Will Win Against Autism project).

Stage II of Almaty Open – Kazakhstan Chess Cup Classic


Stage II of Almaty Open – Kazakhstan Chess Cup Classic

October 16-23 the Kazakhstan Chess Federation will hold an important event – the II Stage of the Kazakhstan Chess Cup Classic “Almaty Open”!

We are shouting out to our volunteers to help out the organizers with the tournament. The help is required in the following areas:
– registration of participants;
– wiring the registration fees (by visiting a nearby bank);
– arranging chess pieces.

October 16, 18 – 22 the volunteering assistance is required from 13:30 till 19:00;

October 17 and 23 the volunteering assistance is required from 09:00 till 18:00.

*Working in shifts is a possibility.

Each volunteer will receive a letter of acknowledgement from the Chess Federation!

Instructions will take place on October 15 at 17:00

Place: Grand Hotel Tien-Shan
On any questions:
+7 701 739 60 02 – Komanda SOS;
+7 702 469 46 65 –Event organizer



Volunteers needed at a YouTube festival.

Our friends from the YarkoCross are preparing to hold the VideoBaiga festival. The VideoBaiga is a competition for amateur video bloggers and a festival of YouTube in Kazakhstan. A great number of popular bloggers from the CIS will arrive to Kazakhstan especially for the event.

Organizers need a hand, namely at handling requests and at the call centre. Volunteers will be expected to spend approximately 2-3 hours a day several times a week. A workplace and free coffee will be provided to each volunteer.

To register, follow the link.

Today I Learned


The Yessenov Foundation (Komanda SOS) under its Yessenov Lectures program and in collaboration with LinguaHub launch a new edu program, Today I Learned (TIL).
If you want to find out how you can apply the language skills in the modern world, you are at the right place.

Special guests for you to mingle with are:
— representative of the American Council;
— heads of marketing and PR department of the HeadHunter;
— editor-in-chief,Neupusti Group;
— teachers of Almaty’s best educational centers.

Speaking Clubs of the TIL project will be held in 8 languages: English, Russian, Kazakh, German, Spanish, French, Korean and Chinese. There you can learn a few practical skills and tips:
— The most efficient ways to learn a foreign language;
— How to create a CV and get ready and undergo an interview;
— How to take international tests, write motivational letters and many other things.

Another skill important for future students — to brew just the best coffee – you will master too, since there will be representatives of Starbucks!

Without a doubt, there will be a coffee break and … attention! A raffle with certificates to learn languages as the main prize!

Special Olympics


Volunteers needed for 2 projects!

1) September 11-12, the SENI Cup Championship. A five-a-side football league for the disabled.

A total of 12 teams made up of children from special boarding schools and living in families in Talgar and Issyk will compete in the Championship. The best team will represent Kazakhstan the next year in Poland, on the International SENI CUP Football League 2019.

Venue: The Central Stadium (reserve fields)
Time: from 09:00 till 15:00
Number of volunteers: 10-15 people

2) The Special Olympics summer sports camp for children with limited intellectual opportunities, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autism.

The summer sports Camp Shriver for children with limited intellectual opportunities will take place in Almaty traditionally.

The Camp’s aims are to:

  1. Engage and include new families and disabled children to do sports and build on the existing experience of carrying out Camps;
  2. Create an atmosphere of understanding and friendship between athletes and volunteers which carries on after the Camp closes for the year;
  3. Introducing new sports as well as engaging new athletes and family members.

Venue: Palace of School Students (Dvorets Shkolnikov)
Date and time: September 10-20, 2018
Number of volunteers: 20-25 people
Volunteering hours: from 09:45 till 12:30
Each volunteer will receive a letter of acknowledgement for rendering the volunteer help.
On any questions:

8 701 372 54 97
8 705 161 83 35
8 701 739 60 02

To register, follow the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1B0BSmEjjYwJ2CdjT-kf9Y4G00Vk5ptqE64BFQaoQFpQ/edit

Call for volunteers for the Almaty Duathlon and Triathlon Championship!


Almaty Duathlon and Triathlon Championship will take place on September 2 at the “Almaty Arena” ice complex.
Triathlon super-sprint: 300 m swimming, 8 km cycling, 2 km running.
Duathlon: 2 km running-8 km cycling-1 km running.

Volunteers will be stationed at snack points as well as at direction points and to help with the organization of various tasks. Instructions and training will take place at the venue.

Date: September 2
Time: 06:30

Volunteers will be provided with meals and also receive letters of acknowledgement upon completing the competition’s start.

The BOGUTY Marathon


The BOGUTY Marathon

September 1-3, a running marathon is taking place to support and draw attention to the BOGUTY ecological project.

Volunteers are needed for the event: 25 marshals and 4 marshal-leaders. Marshals will be expected to dedicate 3 days and the leaders – 7 days to gain a familiarity with the routes.

Place: Mount Boguty (beyond the Chilik village)
Date: September 1 – September 3.

Volunteering conditions:
All volunteers will receive a letter of acknowledgement + equipment + food
Marshals will receive $25 a day. Requirements: basic English, a tent, a sleeping bag, availability for 3 days continually.
Mashal-Leaders will receive $50 a day + accommodation. Requirements: basic English, availability for 7 days continually.

On any questions +7 707 733 1501 (Askar)

A Charitable #7for7 Challenge

The challenge is called “7 for 7”, where starting August 20, Sergey will complete a half Ironman distance each day till August 26. A distance icludes a 1.9 km swimming + 90 km of cycling and 21.1 km of running. For EVERY DAY!
He plans to draw the attention of pedestrians, drivers and pool-siders or non indifferent people, all to motivate people to help gather school sets for 100 children with limited intellectual abilities, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism and a hearing disorder. Lists of such children were kindly provided by the Special Olympics Almaty organization. Thank you, Galina Ilyina!
Participation to the charitable cause is open to anyone. For any inquiries, please contact the “Komanda SOS” Volunteer Coordination Center, +7 705 888 57 88 (Grigory Li). We will be happy and ready to tell you what needs to be done to make sure all the kids are set for the school year. All the gifts and school supplies can be delivered to or dropped off at the reception of the World Class Almaty fitness center. We plan to deliver the school sets to the children on August 29.

Chess championship among disabled athletes


Chess championship among disabled athletes

On July 21, 2018 athletes with visual and auditory impairments took part in a SK “Almaty” chess championship devoted to the International Chess Day.  

The “Komanda SOS” volunteer coordination center supported the event, namely 5 volunteers gave help in carrying out the event.  

Participants were satisfied with quality of the organization and carrying out the chess championship. We hope that similar events will take place more often ?


Volunteers needed for chess championship!

July 21, SK “Almaty” chess championship among disabled athletes with vision and auditory impairments. The event will celebrate the International Chess Day.

Address: 214 Bogenbai batyr str., corner of Muratbayev str.
Time: 09.30 – 17.00

3 volunteers are needed; meals will be provided during the event. Also, a letter of acknowledgement will be issued for volunteer support.  

On any questions +7 701 739 6002, Sergey

2018 Almaty ASTC Sprint Triathlon Asian Cup


2018 Almaty ASTC Sprint Triathlon Asian Cup

Triathlon, though a relatively young cyclic sport, has been gaining steam and popularity in Kazakhstan.

On August 4-5, for the first time in Almaty

On August 4-5, for the first time in Almaty there will take place the grandiose event — ASTC Sprint Asian Triathlon Cup. Around 130 professional athletes from the different countries are expected for the competition.

Athletes have a choice of two distances:
Sprint – 750 m swimming, 20 km cycling and 5 km running;
Classic – 1,5 km swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running.
We are looking for the most active and enthusiastic volunteers for this special event.


  • English at Upper-intermediate the least and higher;
  • Volunteering experience;
  • Skills of communicating with and assisting foreigners.

An overall of 150 volunteers are needed. Every volunteer will receive a t-shirt and meals as well as a certificate upon completion of the sports event.


Special Olympics


For over 27 years the Special Olympics Kazakhstan has been working in rehabilitation and adaptation of disabled children with mental violations by continuously engaging them in 18 Olympic sports. Founded in 1968 by the Kennedys (USA), this noble movement has emraced the whole world including Kazakhstan. People kind and fair are everywhere and thanks to their sponsorship the Special Olympics Kazakhstan movement is able to regularly gather about 7500 disabled athletes from the country’s 14 oblasts.

The traditional Camp Shriver summer sports camp for children with limited intellectual abilities takes place in Almaty.

Camp’s objectives are to:

  1. Engage new families and children with disabilities to do new sports and also build on the existing experience of organizing the camps;
  2. Create an atmosphere of understanding and friendship between athletes and volunteers which continues well after the Camp is over;
  3. Learn about and introduce new sports and involve new athletes and members of families.

As usual, this year’s Camp Shriver will be hosted by the Haileybury Almaty international school in September.  80 children with limited intellectual abilities, 10 trainers and 35 volunteers will do their best to make the camp happen. At the Camp the athletes will have the opportunity to try out 5 sports as five-a-side football, badminton, basketball and also the new ones like bocia and floorball.

Camp will work from 09:30 am till 01:30 pm daily, except Saturdays and Sundays.

If you wish to volunteer at the camp, please register here.





June 10. The YARKOcross Magic festival was hosted at the Almaty Arena multi-purpose indoor arena.
YARKOcross is a color run and the brightest event of year that embodies the love for sports, charity and joy of interaction.

The runners start off in white t-shirts and get showered in colour powder paint generously thrown by volunteers waiting at stations along the run. When they cross the finish line, participants are colourful, bright and vibrant.

With over 5000 people joining the colour run, children outnumbered adults. The most eye-catching start of the summer, the event put every single person at the Arena in an excellent mood and there’s no doubt it will long live in their hearts.

The Komanda SOS volunteers coordination center supported the YARKOcross by finding the volunteers and training and coordinating them.
The center prebriefed the volunteers as well as conducted coordination works throughout the event.

the paint stations, of course.
More than 115 volunteers made sure every participant had an unforgettable experience.
Photos from the event are available here.



Spring-clean at Sairan Lake


The event’s initiated by the Almaty Triathlon Federation and Almaty Marathon found a strong support by the Zhasyl Yel youth program, the S.Yessenov science and education foundation, akimats of the city and Auezov and Almaly districts of the city, and the sports school No. 14. “The event of social importance took place under the slogan: “A clean city for living!” 270 volunteers gathered at the reservoir and were able to gather bagfuls for for five trucks. It was very important to let the residents of our city learn about the forthcoming sports event and to remind them of need to make thrifty use of the environment” — said a representative of the Almaty Triathlon Federation.

The 2018 ASTC Asian Triathlon Cup will take place in Almaty on August 4-5 on the Sairan lake. Almaty was entrusted for the first time to hold such sporting event of continental level. The Asian Confederation of Triathlon unites 29 states and the largest number of athletes. More than 130 professional triathletes will take part in the Cup in Almaty.

Clean environment makes clear water!
Spring-clean of the lake Sairan on Wednesday June 6.
East shore; easiest to access it from Tole Bi street.
Komanda SOS calls for all residents to take part in cleaning of the territory of the lake on June 6 from 9:00 a.m.

The event precedes the Asian Triathlon Cup, which is the first of its kind to take place in Almaty in August. Representatives of Almaty’s environment office, akimat, athletes and volunteers will take part in city cleaning. All participants at the event will be given tools and gloves.

The unique Almaty artificial reservoir Sairan is a vacation spot of many residents of our city. Be a part of the big project! Let’s live in a beautiful city!

Museum Night Almaty

(Қаз) Қаланың өнерлі өмірінің ерекше көріністерінің бірі – Ә.Қастеев мұражайы жыл сайын өткізетін «Музей түні».

Требуются волонтеры, на художественно-культурное событие — «Ночь в Музее», проводимое Музеем имени Кастеева (г.Алматы), которое пройдет в эту пятницу (18 марта).

Ссылка на регистрацию:

Всем волонтерам, желающим добровольно помочь данному мероприятию, прошу ознакомиться с указанной информацией, заполнить анкету и прийти на инструктаж в Музей им.Кастеева В ЭТОТ ЧЕТВЕРГ (17 МАРТА) В 16.45 (инструктаж пройдет до 18.00).

Волонтеры требуются на 2 события:
1) Проведение квест-тура. Необходимо стоять рядом с табличками, чтобы их не содрали около 2-3 часов. При необходимости направлять участников квеста. Вас отвезут на место участие, а также предоставят воду и немного еды для небольшого перекуса. Могут участвовать все желающие. Требуется примерно 10 человек. Время волонтерской помощи с 15.00 до 20.00;
2) Помощь в проведения события непосредственно в Музее имени Кастеева по разным организационным вопросам (перетащить аппаратуру, направить участников и т.д.). Требуется примерно 5 парней. Время волонтерской помощи с 18.00 до 22.00.

Для справки:
«Ночь в музее» — это уникальное художественно-культурное событие, проводимое музеем Кастеева ежегодно и приуроченное к международному празднику Дня музеев. Только один раз в год все музеи мира одновременно открывают свои двери для посетителей в ночное время. Основным девизом «музейной ночи» всего мира является открытость и доступность для зрителей. Согласно ей, основной целью праздничной художественно-культурной акции «Ночь в музее Кастеева» является популяризация разных видов искусства и привлечение внимания горожан к музейным программам.  В связи с этим, в течение всей ночи вход в музей бесплатный. «Ночь в музее Кастеева» — не только любимое место встречи алматинцев, но и крупнейший в Казахстане фестиваль искусств, собирающий от 3000 до 5000 гостей ежегодно.